5 Google Chrome Extensions For Social Media Experts

An awesome aspect regarding Google Chrome is that it offers a large number of third-party extensions which can improve our productivity. Here are 6 of them that one must have as a social media expert.

1) Grammarly

The free grammar checker anticipates grammatical mistakes and spelling blunders on your social media accounts as well as blogs. It flags an error while you are engrossed in writing a blog or sending a mail.


GIPHY enables you to share GIFs on Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, and Instagram.

Just tap the symbol on the toolbar to open the GIPHY window. Search for the trending gif or make your own and share it on your brand’s social media page by just drag and drop!

3) Colorzilla

ColorZilla helps graphic designers and web developers to pick any color or gradient they want to use. ColorZilla has a Color Picker, Eyedropper, Gradient Generator and many additional advanced color tools. You can also adjust colors and examine colors in the gradient palette.

4) Nimbus Capture

Liked a section of a blog or an information on a tweet? The screenshot that particular segment from Nimbus capture. You can also screen grab the whole website from header to footer with the help of Nimbus! You can also edit those captures easily which makes this extension quite a handy one.

5) Email qualifier

Email qualifier will give you all the social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn associated with any mail id. Received resume of a potential employee? Know everything about him from email qualifier and find the perfect candidate or it can also be utilized to locate a brand on LinkedIn or Twitter!

Nilkanth Ray
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