Tips For Creating A Perfect Facebook Cover Photo
Facebook is that social media platform that is been used all across the globe – be it connecting socially or for business! It is the most resorted medium these days and offers plenty of benefits to all the businesses that come here with an aim of getting acknowledged on a larger scale. Therefore, you may end up finding many business pages here that are set out to advertise their products and services in the most unique and innovative way. Additionally, the medium helps them to directly connect with their patrons, which again is a very important aspect for all the industries. In short, being not only present but even active on social media and especially facebook is what every entrepreneur is looking forward to in the present time!
So is that so simple to gain the followers or create that buzz about your business by simply posting anything that strikes you? Obviously not! There are guidelines that needs to be followed in order to gain that fan following and making your page more interactive. It is very essential to identify what your target audience wants to see and what will keep them glued up to your page.
Talking about a cover page, it is the most important real estate on your facebook page. It is the first thing that people see when they visit your page, hence make sure to have a catchy cover photo that creates an interest and makes them to visit your page on timely basis. Other points that can help you to create a perfect cover photo are: paying attention to dimensions, using consistent brand colors and not just anything that you feel like to, changing images often that can even be occasion related or some offer related, and above all, focusing on fans – their likes, interests, desires, and much more.
It has been noticed that cover photos are some of the most underutilized aspects of any social media platform, but in reality, they take up the majority of what a visitor sees first when they land up to any business page. Hence, it’s important to fix up a budget for the time and cost of a cover photo and go ahead in making creative ones with the help of sites like QuotesCover and Canva. Additionally, the services of your graphic designer can do wonders by ensuring that your cover photo has the perfect size, format and dimensions. Just remember, your cover page needs to fit your brand and company perfectly.